He4therlouise's ShopAverage Rating3.93(based on 1927 reviews)An English and Sociology teacher in a large academy in Oxford. Edit shopAdd a resource
he4therlouisePR election systems Revision(0)Proportional representation (PR) election systems revision guidance for post 16 government and politics students.
he4therlouiseUnit 1 Elections 2 Revision Worksheet(0)Unit 1 Elections 2 Revision Worksheet for Post 16 Government and Politics Students.
he4therlouiseProportional Representation(0)An introductory powerpoint on Proportional Representation for post 16 Government and Politics students.
he4therlouiseSingle-party versus majority(0)A lesson looking at single-party versus majority - the two-party system.
he4therlouiseDirect v Indirect Representation(0)Direct v Indirect Representation in democracy - a comparison between the USA and the UK
he4therlouiseFPTP - table(0)First Past the Post - table for boxing debate for use with Post 16 Government and Politics students.
he4therlouiseElections and democracy(0)Notes on Elections and democracy to be translated in to bullet point or mind map form
he4therlouiseUnit 1 Lesson 6 Politics Exam(0)Unit 1 Lesson 6 for post 16 government and politics students - exam preparation lesson
he4therlouiseAlternative voting systems - card sort(0)Alternative voting systems - card sort with a blank table to place cards on if laminated or stick if each student is given their own copy.
he4therlouiseUnit 1 Lesson 1 Government and Politics Referendum(0)Unit 1 Lesson 1 Government and Politics Referendum. Where did direct democracy begin? Name 2 key characteristics of direct and indirect democracy Give 3 examples of referendums held in the UK? Give 3 advantages & 3 disadvantages of referenda
he4therlouiseScheme of Work Environmental Issues(0)Scheme of Work / teaching guide on Environmental Issues for Post 16 Government and Politics
he4therlouiseClimate Change - Lesson 4 Environment(0)Climate Change - Lesson 4 Environment. Focussing on Stockholm and EU law for Post 16 Government and Politics.
he4therlouiseCopenhagen Conference - Lesson 5 Environment(0)A lesson investigating the Copenhagen Conference, how it was received - the positive and the negative. - Lesson 5 Environment